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Technological plaftorm : RDPI®

Reservoir Dry Powder Inhaler (RDPI®) is a proprietary technology platform that allows a broad range of drugs to be delivered as small, dense, and dispersible particles for highly efficient drug delivery and deep penetration into the lungs.

Abstract Bubbles

Cross-section of pulmonary alveoli

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Aerosolization flow diagram for fine particles

RDPI® can efficiently deliver small molecules, drug combinations, peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids via the respiratory system for the treatment of both respiratory and non-respiratory diseases.

Our validated proprietary reservoir DPI platform is available to deliver a broad range of complex inhaled therapies, both novel and generics.

Can be used to deliver wide range of drugs 

from small molecules to proteins.

Can replicate critical functions of existing inhaler devices

(metered dose, Reservoir DPI,  Blister based DPI,…).

Can deliver large doses into lungs 

with high lung delivery efficiency  due to large surface area (80-120m2), good vascularisation, immense capacity for exchange and ultra thinness of the alveolar epithelium. 

Rapid onset of action with no degration in GI tract 

Improved PK profile compared to oral delivery

with no first pass hepatic effect and less drug reducing side-effects.

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Non invasive delivery way and higher compliance

Painless administration with greater compliance and improves health outcomes decreasing the cost of therapy particulary compared with injectable route.


Reservoir DPI  prototype diagram 

Connecting Dots

Most Efficient Manufacturing line
Engineered for deep cost control

Compared to standard DPI.

3 times cheaper



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